Support After Treatment

Recovering from addiction is more than just stopping using substances. The goals of recovery from substance use or addiction problems are not the same for everyone. Some people can aim to achieve total abstinence, while others can moderate their consumption or reduce the risks of their substance use. For young people, the best decision is abstinence, but any step towards wellness is progress.

Most people need support and services after they finish their initial treatment to stay in recovery. The most common recovery supports and services include:

Residences Of Sobriety Or Recovery

These are residences for adults over the age of 18 in recovery. These homes often have a limited number of residents, clear and strict rules for maintaining abstinence, and a high level of structure. Qualified employees run some of these homes; others are staffed by clinical specialists or others in recovery. 

Sobriety Bedrooms

For teens and young adults entering or already in college, some colleges have dormitories set aside for recovering students. Suppose they don’t ask what you must do to create a sober college dorm. The more people look for these dormitories for youth in recovery, the more universities will create these spaces.

make-up, high schools

High schools that combine a state-approved curriculum (make sure the school meets official diploma requirements) with recovery supports and services.

Recovery Support Groups

In groups based on the 12-step principle, such as Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) and Narcotics Anonymous (NA), as well as groups based on Self-Management and Recovery Training (SMART), people come together to share their experiences with addiction, support each other, and help each other stay on the path to recovery. These groups have different styles, formats, and approaches, so finding a group that serves your daughter or son and where you feel comfortable is important.

Group Addiction Treatment

Addictions are among the most widespread psychological pathologies among the population, to the point that the abuse of certain substances with addictive potential is highly normalized (despite its disastrous consequences for physical and mental health).

But luckily, research in Clinical Psychology and Health Sciences has made it possible to develop valuable and highly versatile therapeutic resources to help those who suffer from these disorders. In addition, a good part of the effectiveness and flexibility of professional interventionist.The treatment of addictions is not seen as something that must always involve working with addicted people as individual entities but also involving other people.

Overcoming an addiction is not an individual process.

Addictions have as part of their causes changes in the nervous system; changes in the brain that have been induced by the consumption of a certain drug or by the repeated performance of an addictive behaviour (for example, betting money on the “slot” machines).

These transformations of some structures of the nervous system make the person much more predisposed to continue feeding that addiction (or even develop other new addictions in parallel) and, at the same time, participate in the appearance of the withdrawal syndrome: when the person takes longer than usual without satiating the addiction, they quickly begin to feel very bad. They may even suffer psychiatric symptoms of variable severity.

Keys To Alcoholic Interventiontreatment

These characteristics of group treatment for addictions make this type of intervention an effective resource for leaving behind dependence on drugs or Addictive behaviour.

Participants Motivate Each Other.

Remember the human component of group therapy sessions; in them, it is easier to find people who are sympathetic to those who suffer from addiction, and empathy is generated. From this empathy arises the desire for the group therapy partner to come out of their addiction, which is reflected in how the participants relate to each other.

However, there is also a psychosocial facet beyond the biomedical facet of addictions. The addicted person is not only limited to suffering organic alterations generated by the pathology (tremors after spending a long time without consuming, greater sensitivity to stimuli, etc.), but they also build a way of living, thinking and feeling that contributes to addiction. For example, it is common for people with a deeply rooted addiction to direct their social life towards interaction with others who are also addicted, leaving friendships, family relationships, etc., in the background.

This social and contextual element, the activities, people and environments to which the person is exposed, participate in the maintenance of the addiction… but that means that through this path, it is also possible to help the person who wants to overcome their disease.

Patients Have Theoretical And Practical Information.

Much valuable information flows about dealing with this pathology in group therapy applied to addictions. This information is provided by both the therapists and the rest of the attendees, who provide their experiential points of view.

A Therapeutic Experience Of Memorable Moments Is Generated, Which Are “Anchored” In The Person’s Memory.

Much of the effectiveness of the different forms of therapy has to do with their ability to attract the person’s attention to themselves at key moments so that they behave in a manner consistent with what they have learned daily.

Being done in a group, group therapy gives rise to many moments that remain fixed in the participants’ memory since it is an experience rich in nuances and in which they interact with several people, each with their history and identity. Thanks to this, many situations that patients will experience daily will evoke memories of what happened in previous sessions.

The Expectation Of Talking About Oneself In Front Of Several People Motivates One Not To Relapse

Having committed to overcoming addiction in front of several people, the degree of motivation with the therapeutic process and overcoming this pathology grows.

Patients are less exposed to the temptation to give in to drugs intervention or addictive behaviour because it is only “a personal decision”, and they also begin to think about the interests of the community of which they are a part and the image they project in it.

Each Person Has Multiple Examples To Draw Inspiration From

Finally, we must not forget that group therapy is also a place to find references; people who, due to their history or attitude, make other patients feel identified with them and see first-hand that getting out of addiction is possible.